Artist Challenge Entry Agreement

My digital signature confirms that:

1.         I am an active member of Quilts on the Wall and have paid my annual dues.

2.         I have paid the Challenge entry fee established annually by the Board for each of my entries:

           The number of pieces I may enter into each Challenge shall be determined by the Chair of the Exhibit Committee..

            I understand that the Exhibit Committee Chair may modify my Artist Statement and/or Materials/Technique Statement to comply with exhibit venue requirements.

            I understand that there is no guarantee that my entry will be accepted into a juried exhibition.

            I understand that my entry into a non-juried challenge will be accepted for exhibition.

             I understand that I have an obligation to deliver my entry to the Exhibit Committee no later than the published entry date at the regular meeting of its members.

            Subject to prior approval of the Exhibit Committee Chair or President, I may personally deliver my entry, or I may transmit the entry by insured mail, to the Exhibit Committee Chair or the Jury Committee Chair.

3.         I understand that there is a due date for all entries, and late entries will not be accepted without express consent of the Exhibit Committee Chair, and, in no event, may I submit my quilt to a “juried” challenge unless I deliver the completed art piece to the Chair of the Jury Committee at least 24 hours before the date announced for the jury process.

4.         I understand that there will be an additional exhibit fee in an amount determined by the Board, per art piece that is accepted into a traveling show to cover the costs of shipping the entry to various exhibit venues.

5.         I understand that it is my responsibility to have my art work appraised and insured, and that Quilts on the Wall does not provide insurance for damage or loss or appraisals.

             I understand that each venue provides insurance for my quilt but the venue insurance may not compensate me for the value of my entry.  [1] 

            Release of Liability.  I do hereby fully release, and hold harmless, Quilts on the Wall, their officers, members, representatives and agents from any and all responsibility, liability, claims and causes of action, injuries, and other damages of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, personal injuries, and/or damage or loss of my personal property, including my artwork, as a result of my participation in, or my property’s inclusion in any group activity or exhibition (including transportation to or from any activity or exhibition).This release will remain in effect for the duration of my membership. It will renew annually upon payment of dues, until such time as I do not renew.

6.         I further understand that any quilt of mine that is accepted in a” juried exhibit” is expected to travel for a period of at least one (1) year and up to three (3) years, and will not be returned to me during that period. 

            I may not withdraw my quilt from the traveling exhibit.

            If I sell my art piece during the traveling period, I will advise the buyer that delivery of the art piece will be made upon conclusion of the traveling schedule. 

            I understand that Quilts on the Wall has developed favorable long-term relationships with many venues as a result of years of providing outstanding art work, and that removing my art work from the exhibit may have an adverse impact on the reputation of Quilts on the Wall.

7.         Professional photographs of all Juried Exhibits will be taken at the expense of Quilts on the Wall. 

             Copies of the professional photos will be provided to the artist submitting the quilt at such time as the photos may be released publicly as those dates are established by exhibiting venues.

            I understand that the photos taken of my art work are shared with various art quilt magazine editors and quilt show management companies for purposes of advertisement and potential inclusion in future publications. 

            I understand that there is the possibility that I will be asked for permission to include my art work in articles about art quilts or artists, or that I may be asked to be a “featured artist”.

             I consent to release of photographs of my art work taken by the photographer hired by Quilts on the Wall to any organization that the Exhibit Committee Chair shall deem appropriate, provided that my written permission to publish that photo shall be obtained from me prior to any publication in a magazine unrelated to an exhibit for which the art work is entered.

8.         If I choose to sell my art work, I will include the “sale price” on the Artist Entry Form as well as an “insurance value”.  If I do not enter a “sale price” on my Artist Entry Form, I understand that my art piece will be listed as “NOT FOR SALE” by the Exhibit Committee Chair.


 Guidelines for Entries Updated September 1, 2021:

Preamble: The following guidelines are designed to promote art quilting and assist the Exhibit Committee in securing displays not only at traveling quilt shows but also in art galleries and other exhibition spaces that specialize in art as opposed to traditional three layer utilitarian quilts.

Challenge size, hanging requirements, and backings may be modified from time to time to accommodate specific venues.

Members should be mindful that there are substantial differences between Art Quilts and Traditional Quilting Rules. 

If it is a member's intention to submit a Quilts on the Wall Challenge to BOTH art and traditional quilting exhibits or venues, it is important for members to follow the specific entry rules for each venue.

The guidelines for Quilts on the Wall are specific for the organization.


1.   Layers & Size:   Art Quilts do not have to contain three layers.  Members should strive to meet the size requirements that have previously been specified for the exhibit by a vote of the members.  Acceptance of quilts with slight variations in size is at the discretion of the juror.

2.  Artist Statement and Theme:   How the quilt relates to the exhibit's theme should be easily recognizable. This can be done in the subject matter of the quilt, the techniques used, or in other creative ways.

3.  Sleeves.      The quilt must have at least a 4 inch wide sleeve sewn onto the top back of the quilt.  It should be sewn at least 1/2 inch down from the top of the quilt.  The sleeve needs to have its outside edges on each side approximately 1/2 to 2 inches shorter than the outside of the quilt.

4.    Hanging Hardware.    For some venues, it may be necessary to provide a  hanging slat . The slat shall be a rectangular piece of wood (not a round dowel) approximately 1/4  inch thickness, and between 1-1/2 inch and 2 inches wide, and approximately 1 inch narrower than the width of the art piece. The slat should have eye hooks on each end to accept a hanging wire.   The hanging slat should not be visible from the side of the quilt.

5.    Labels.    The art work must have a label with the artist's name, mailing address, email and telephone number; the title of the quilt and the year it was completed, along with the name of the Challenge.

Sample:  " Wild Roses" by Mary Smith (2019)
                  123 Main Street, Unit 400, Seal Beach, CA 90755

                  The label may be incorporated into the backing by using permanent ink, or there may be a separate label stitched to the backing.


6.      Shipping and Damage Prevention.   Art pieces should not include materials that “hang” off the bottom or sides. 

            Three dimensional pieces are not accepted unless the Challenge terms specifically authorize it. 

            It is goal of the Exhibit Committee to assure that the art pieces return from the exhibit in the same condition as submitted.  

I acknowledge that my quilt may be shipped flat or rolled, and every attempt will be made not to “fold” the quilt.

7.     " False backs"  (a piece of fabric that covers the stitching) are allowed for entries into both juried and non-juried challenges.  Members should verify what backing rules apply  if they intend to submit a Challenge Quilt for judging in a traditional quilt show since some shows do not permit the use of a false backs.

8.     Quilting.  The amount of quilting on an entry into a Quilts on the Wall Challenge is the artist's choice. There is no minimum amount required; however some jurors have a personal preference for more rather than less quilting. The artist statement can be utilized to express the artist's intent with regard to the quantity of quilting.

9.   Collaboration of more than one quilter is allowed for entries into QOTW challenges.  If the quilt entry into a QOTW challenge is a collaboration of 2 or more quilters, the QOTW member who is entering the quilt into the challenge must give credit to the other quilters on both the QOTW challenge entry form and on the quilt label.

By entering the Challenge, I agree to all of the above terms and conditions.


Many of you are members of a number of quilt organizations and send your art quilts out for traveling exhibits. Chris Johnson is the insurance agent who can offer our members a personal policy under a Master Insurance Policy for the Society of Quilters.  

The policy costs $121 per year (2019)

 It covers each artist’s quilts up to $10,000 with a $500 deductible.

It covers any loss or damage where ever the quilt is…not just in transit between venues.

If you would like to contact the insurance agent, her contact information is below:

Chris Johnston CIC

Senior Account Manager, USI Insurance Services LLC

2375 E Camelback Road, Suite 250, Phoenix, AZ   85016

Telephone: 602-749-4282, Fax: 602-362-8778, Toll free:  800-688-7472, Ext. 41282

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; www.usi.com


Insuring Your Quilts

Ensuring quilts are properly insured is an important consideration that many quilters may overlook. After dedicating numerous hours to designing, selecting fabric, assembling, and quilting, it is essential to take the final step of securing insurance for the work.

Quilts On The Wall does not provide insurance for quilts; rather, it is the responsibility of each quilter to manage this independently. While a quilt is on display at an exhibition, the vendor typically provides insurance, and during transit to and from an exhibit, the shipper insures the item. However, without a formal written appraisal, only the cost of materials may be recoverable, rather than the quilt's full value.

 For convenience, Quilts On The Wall organizes several appraisal days throughout the year. Currently, the appraiser is Arlene Stevens, a Certified Quilt Appraiser with extensive expertise in evaluating art quilts. Once an appraisal is obtained, it is recommended to contact an insurance agent to secure appropriate coverage.

By securing insurance for their quilts, quilters safeguard their investments against unforeseen circumstances. This measure not only provides financial protection but also peace of mind, knowing that their meticulously crafted works are covered. By doing so, they can ensure accurate valuation and coverage that reflects both the material and creative worth of their quilts.

Arlene Stevens, Quilt Appraiser    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chris Johnston, Quilt Insurance    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                For quilt insurance you could contact your home owner’s insurance carrier.

January 11, 2025
In-Person Meeting - 10 am to noon
Program to be determined

  • Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
    2845 Mesa Verde Drive East
    Costa Mesa CA 92626

February 16, 2025
> Workshop with Phyllis Cullen on Layered Portraits, check email for more details.

March 8, 2025

In-Person Meeting - 10 am to noon
> Turn in Connections challenge quilts
> Program to be determined

  • Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
    2845 Mesa Verde Drive East
    Costa Mesa CA 92626

May 3, 2025
General  Meeting via Zoom - 10 am
Program to be determined

July 12, 2025
In-Person Meeting - 10 am to noon
> Show and Tell of the challenge quilts
> Turn in All Things Nature juried challenge quilts

  • Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
    2845 Mesa Verde Drive East
    Costa Mesa CA 92626

September 13, 2025
General  Meeting via Zoom - 10 am
Program to be determined

November 8, 2025
In-Person Meeting - 10 am to noon
Show and Tell of the challenge quilts
> Turn in One Color Wonder juried challenge quilts

  • Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church
    2845 Mesa Verde Drive East
    Costa Mesa CA 92626




Access to Quilts on the Wall Private Facebook Group is granted to Members Only

Complete Membership Application at https://www.quiltsonthewall.com and pay dues using Paypal

Access Code will be provided by email.


Meeting Address:  (No Mail Accepted)
Unitarian Universalist Church
2845 Mesa Verde Drive East

Costa Mesa CA 92626

Post Office Box Address:
Quilts on the Wall
PO Box 2065
Seal Beach, CA 90740

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.